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My work investigates the forming of female identity and where feelings of value come from as a woman. I draw upon my personal history and examine intergenerational patterns of negative and positive behavioral cycles, fluctuating power dynamics, and my relationship with my own family and motherhood. In keeping with the title of this paper, Un/Seen, I will examine the seen and unseen cycles of support and toxic behaviors that are passed down from society and within a family. The viewer is promoted to investigate how they are taking these behaviors withing their own narratives and urges them to reconstruct something that promotes the passing on and celebrating of positive behaviors such as self-preservation, feeling of value, understanding of self, and the understanding of importance on visibility.


Thesis completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree in the School of Art and Design at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY.


MFA thesis, Sculpture and Dimensional Studies, female identity, Family, Community, Matriarchal
