Gai, Anthony David2013-06-172013-06-172013-05 completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Alfred University Honors Program.Thesis completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Alfred University Honors Program.Solar prominences are the massive formations of ionized gas collecting above the Sun's surface. Even after more than half a century of research, there is not a full understanding of the processes involved in the formation, support, and features of solar prominences. Solar prominences are often associated with flares and coronal mass ejections, both of which can be harmful to the earth. A deeper understanding of these solar phenomena will protect us from dangerous solar storms. In this report I present 3D motion analysis, via Doppler measurements (H-_, H-_, and Na-D), extracted from 2D monochromatic images of a prominence observed on 10 October 2012 from the Richard B. Dunn Solar Vacuum Tower, Sacramento Peak, NM. Magnetograms from THEMIS, Tiede Observatory, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain describe the magnetic field. Monochromatic images from Hinode's Solar Optical Telescope provide high resolution views (Ca II and H-_).en-USHonors thesisPhysicsAstronomySun3D Motion Analysis from 2D Monochromatic Images of a Solar ProminenceThesis