You brought something into the world that does not belong here (and one day you will pay for it).



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Alfred University


I was born and raised in former Czechoslovakia. Having had the experience of living in a totalitarian regime, I see aspects of its grip resurfacing again in the present world, but on a global scale. The apprehension of the possible things to come is reflected in my artwork as it addresses deeper political and existential topics, ridiculous scientific advances, irrational situations, logical inconsistencies and paradoxes of our memory. I am an observer who collects and reflects on these absurdities, I stand in for the individual human and often highlight it with humor. This helps me illustrate how intellectually complicated we have become on one hand yet remain driven by irrational urges and subconscious impulses. The Thesis Exhibition is a free-forming collection of artefacts from an alternative world, a subjective perception of a distorted landscape, which serves to remind us to take ourselves - from the overall point of existence - way less seriously.


Thesis completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree in the School of Art and Design at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY.


MFA thesis, Three-dimensional printing, Multimedia (Art), Light Art
