Academic Psychological Capital, Study Strategies, and Academic Achievement: How are They Related?
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Academic Psychological Capital (Academic PsyCap) is a relatively new psychological construct that stems from industrial/organizational psychological research on Psychological Capital (PsyCap). PsyCap is a second order factor that encompasses one’s Hope, Self-Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism. The current study utilized a non-experimental quantitative research design focused on Academic PsyCap among high school students. Participants included 59 tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students from a public high school in Southwest Florida who completed a Demographic Survey, the Academic Psychological Capital Questionnaire, and the Study Strategies scale from the School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI, 2014). March 2023 Grade Point Average (GPA) and each student’s 9th grade GPA was extracted directly from the district database. A Simultaneous Regression was conducted to examine the relationship between Academic PsyCap, Study Strategies, and Current GPA, with Parent Education and Previous Achievement included as statistical controls. The researcher also examined the correlation between Academic PsyCap and Study Strategies specifically. The first hypothesis was that Academic PsyCap and Current GPA would have a positive correlation to each other, while controlling for Parent Education and Previous Achievement. The second hypothesis was that Academic PsyCap and Study Strategies would have a positive correlation to each other. Results indicated that Current GPA was most strongly associated with Previous GPA, so much so that none of the other variables explained any significant amount of variance in the model. Results did support the second hypothesis that Academic PsyCap and Study Strategies are positively correlated to one another.