Nature to the Dogs



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Alfred University


And I suppose you want me to start from the beginning. Although what a beginning is I have no idea. Nebulous concept since we are, and by necessity it seems, located somewhere always in an expanding middle. As well, choosing between one hundred, or a thousand—or perhaps only ten—concrete places to start is more difficult than choosing between some infinity of abstract ones, so I’ve heard at least, so they’ve been telling me. The real being so much more difficult to wrap one’s head around, so-to-speak. And this epistemic conundrum lying, some might say, at the crux of human nature—not that such an asininity exists anyway, I believe on faith. But in any case, I will tell you.


Thesis completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree in the School of Art and Design at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, NY.


MFA thesis, Ceramic sculpture, Installations (Art), Handbuilding
